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Nom Modified Taille
licences 06/09/10 01:21 -
AUTHORS.txt 06/09/10 01:20 0.82 KB
BUGS.txt 06/09/10 01:20 0.04 KB
CHANGELOG.txt 06/09/10 01:20 13.74 KB
INSTALL.txt 06/09/10 01:20 2.70 KB
QA_CHECKLIST.txt 06/09/10 01:20 3.51 KB
README.txt 06/09/10 01:20 0.57 KB
TODO.txt 06/09/10 01:20 0.05 KB
UPGRADING.txt 06/09/10 01:20 1.58 KB
Dossier(s): 1    Fichier(s): 8    Total du dossier: 23.01 Kb

contact me : E-mail, #org4sm on Qnet.

Skilled Radio

===== - 12 December 2007 =====

==== Features ====
* less sucking assignee selector (

==== Fixes ====
* [security] Fixed XSS holes, see [[FSA:2|FSA:2]]
* setup fix: now prevents table prefixes starting with a number
* fixed a redirection error
* fixed double slash in themeurl()
* FS#1338 - 'comments' field on tasklist is malfunctioning.
* fixed not-null jabber ID column
* FS#1341 - Crafted url for voting exposes sql
* cache-table fix
* fixed wrong login URL
* fixed error message in schedule.php
* FS#1344: Wrong URLs with address_rewriting
* fixed two Jabber login bugs
* FS#1347 - Jabber connects if no message is to be send
* SQL fix for feed.php
* FS#1354 - Adding user to notification list in IE: tlp_userselect don't show users list
* Fixed missing event in the reports page
* FS#1376 - Jabber and email notification not working
* Fixes for "saved searches"

==== Changes ====
* updated languages
* Manage project permission now "maxes out" all other permissions for a project

===== - 23 August 2007 =====

==== Features ====

* added mailto-link support

==== Bugs ====

* fixed Postgre SQL error
* limited table prefix length for setup to prevent problems
* fixed regular expression for emails
* FS#1323: Tabindex for WYSIWYG-Icon before textarea hinders usability a bit
* FS#1321: User::check_account_ok() may create an endless redirect loop
* fixed duplicate RSS feed entries
* FS#1320: Mouse overing UserName when in Manage-Project
* FS#1312: "double quotes" break the dependency graph
* FS#1306: Comments with SQL Statements with URLs in them get unwanted SemiColons
* fix: deleting a user and resetting the automincrement value of a table (don't do this!) could grant a new user unwanted permissions
* improved attachment notifications and history
* fixed SQL error when searching for last edit date without having last edit column enabled
* fix for another upgrading bug
* made Jabber usable in PHP 5.2.[1|2] as long as no encryption is in place
* FS#1272: All Projects: in page title
* FS#1274: Error in translation "% of task"
* FS#1268: Upgrade script fails due to incorrect error about cgi.fix_pathinfo
* corrected dates of the last edit column
* make force_baseurl compatibility setting work correctly everywhere
* FS#1282: Task list in task details do not work after search
* fixed changing old type (crypt-based) passwords

==== Changes ====

* admin users are not restricted anymore setting a user's email address
* removed strike through for the task list when searching for closed tasks
* single newlines are possible in dokuwiki now as well
* reopen-request comments are now copied to the comments tab when accepted

===== - 26 May 2007 =====

==== Features ====

* temporary account lock when password entered incorrectly too often + user notification
* (backported from 1.0) Strike through and disable links for missing attachments
* new notification subject parameter: %u for user name
* search in task summary only now possible

==== Bugs ====

* fixed anon email not being saved on task submission error
* fixed false positive duplicate requests
* another fix for duplicate emails
* speed up for the "last edited" column, was virtually unusable with non small-sized DBs
* fixed dokuwiki creating directories with wrong permissions
* FS#1258 - Extension jscalendar doesn't work with polish translation
* disabled Jabber notifications in PHP 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 due to a bug ( which could cause a server to slow down significantly
* FS#1249: Switching between projects while editing project's user groups
* fixed "members can log in" on new group page for projects
* FS#1250 - Notifications::Create does not iterate through $to array
* FS#1246 - Categories marked as 'no show' still show up in the new task category list
* fixed an issue with older IIS versions
* fixed user profile info when viewed in "all projects"
* more reliable temp dir detection
* fixed that removed notifications did not appear in the history
* if user does not exists flyspray wrongly says "user is not enabled to login" . This has been corrected and now shows the correct error message.
* fixed a few possible upgrade problems for 0.9.8 to 0.9.9 and 0.9.7 to 0.9.9
* improved SVG with/height parsing for dependency graphs
* fixed links on the roadmap page when default entry page is not the task list
* FS#1224 - Flyspray generating dot file with syntax error
* Flyspray checks writability of the attachments folder now
* fixed a problem with swift and emails
* fixed upgrader button in IE7
* updated sv-SE, spanish, NL translation
* fixed a PHP notice in reports.php
* fixed a bug in the Jabber library
* fixed task links if both the summary and ID column are disabled

==== Changes ====

* bigger textarea for tasks
* changed possibly confusing confirmation codes
* minimum password size is 5 chars now
* removed email addresses from feeds
* the default htaccess file will now disable mod_security
* now upgrader will not allow to upgrade from 0.9.6 (too old)

===== - 16 March 2007 =====

==== Bugs ====

* [security] minor issue: Project summary of private projects can be seen with direct links
* [security] major issue: Performing actions as admin possible without password when getting Flyspray to spit out errors before all headers are sent (Thanks to Stefan Esser) see also [[fsa:1 | FSA1]]
* fixed upgrade problems with PostgreSQL
* fixed a bug regarding adding attachments
* fixed a bug related to the task list and update check (undefined index...)
* fixed maxlength for user name fields + usernames ar stripped on login the same way as on creation
* fixed a problem with time zones
* upgraded swift to fix a problem with double dots in emails (hopefully)
* fixed two upgrade problems for 0.9.7 to 0.9.9
* fixed "Undefined index: user_pass" with wrong cookies
* fixed a typo (hardcoded task ID), which lead to confusing URLs after editing a task
* fixed that the template class can use a non-existent themes
* fixed language selection if no language is set
* fixed FS#1198: Unable to translate into new language with .langedit.php
* fixed FS#1194: Restore default task list sort order
* fixed "Sort task list by status fails for closed tasks"

==== Changes ====

* updated BG translation
* fixed a too low margin on the roadmap page
* table cells for task fields now use nowrap
* glob_compat() for all PHP installations that have glob() disabled for some pseudo security reasons, some people still secure their systems based in the wrong assumption that safe_mode or open_basedir are safe.
* Flyspray now checks if the XML parser is available which is required for setup, otherwise setup might fail for no apparent reason
* added replacements for ctype_digit and ctype_alnum which are sometimes missing on borked PHP installations
* removed automatically added reminders. It will not be in 1.0 anyway, so you better don't get used to it.
* upgrader button can't be pressed twice in a row anymore

===== 0.9.9 - 10 February 2007 =====

The list of changes is so extensive that it's too much work to list them all. Refer to for a developement summary.

===== 0.9.8 - 23 October 2005 =====
* NEW - Full-featured installer
* NEW - Address rewriting for human-readable URLs
* NEW - Database table prefixes
* NEW - Background daemon to run the scheduler
* NEW - Due-by-date field, searchable
* NEW - Prev/Next task links
* NEW - Operations on multiple tasks from the tasklist
* NEW - 'Project' addresses that receive notifications for ALL changes in that project
* NEW - Dropdown lists are now set globally and at Project level
* NEW - Uses class.jabber.php for Jabber notifications
* NEW - Uses class.phpmailer for email notifications
* NEW - SMTP for email notifications
* NEW - XML-RPC interface for opening/closing tasks, and retriving user details
* NEW - New user accounts use MD5 for passwords.
* NEW - Attaching multiple files to tasks and comments.

* IMPROVED - Reliability of Jabber notifications
* IMPROVED - Admin and Project Manager areas are more consistant and easy to navigate
* IMPROVED - Layout and rendering
* IMPROVED - Speed of changing tabs (uses DHTML instead of a page-reload)
* IMPROVED - Much code has been moved to classes/functions (so is much more re-usable)
* IMPROVED - Statusbar is now used for almost all updates, and fades in a very pretty way.
* IMPROVED - Now formats dates using strftime() to achieve localised date strings

* FIXED - Permissions that were broken in last release
* FIXED - Now checks permissions before delivering attachments
* FIXED - Re-enabled Project Manager requests, adding a 'deny' link with reason box

===== 0.9.7 - 22 January 2005 =====

* NEW: Easy setup script
* NEW: User groups are now global AND project-level
* NEW: Group permissions now more fine-grained
* NEW: No more intermediate pages after submitting forms - new statusbar instead
* NEW: Task dependencies and blocks
* NEW: phpMarkdown used in project blurb, task details and comments areas (allows document markup)
* NEW: Users can request a link to change their password
* NEW: Private tasks
* NEW: Icons. Now using an iconset with a compatible licence.

* IMPROVED: Notifications no longer get sent to the user making the change
* IMPROVED: Method of sending registration confirmation codes
* IMPROVED: Anonymous browsing is now a project-level setting
* IMPROVED: Bluey theme layout and style. It almost renders in IE!
* IMPROVED: Escaping of special characters in form selects
* IMPROVED: Detects php magic quotes setting for task display

===== 0.9.6 - 08 October 2004 =====

* NEW: Config settings have been moved from header.php into flyspray.conf.php
* NEW: Closure comments
* NEW: Configurable date and time formats, global and per-user
* NEW: Sub-categories
* NEW: Priority
* NEW: Dropdown list to show only tasks assigned to me, tasks opened by me, and tasks I watch
* NEW: Locking tasks while editing, so no-one else can save over your changes-in-progress
* NEW: Referring to a Flyspray task in the format - FS#123 - creates a hyperlink to that task
* NEW: Versions are separated into past, present and future
* NEW: Per theme custom and files
* NEW: Customisable columns in task list
* NEW: 'Remember login' option
* NEW: Secondary sort in task list
* NEW: Visual indicator on which column is sorted in task list
* NEW: Reports. Only two so far, but more to come
* NEW: Task history tab
* NEW: Scheduled reminders tab
* NEW: Admins can change user's passwords for them
* NEW: Basic RSS feed script - /scripts/rss.php

* IMPROVED: Method of marking tasks 'closed'.
* IMPROVED: Task summary is now in notification subject lines
* IMPROVED: Admin lists are now one form per page instead of per row
* IMPROVED: Projects are now sorted alphabetically in the dropdown lists

* FIXED: Changing passwords now works if the cookie salt has been changed
* FIXED: Protection against opening duplicate tasks using your browser's 'back' button

===== 0.9.5 - 19 February 2004 =====

* NEW: Multiple projects with different categories etc for each. Default owners, themes etc are now project-specific
* NEW: Multiple database support through ADODB
* NEW: Postgres port
* NEW: Protection from user-submitted data through regular expression filtering
* NEW: Attachment deleting
* NEW: Changing cookie 'salt' for protection against authentication spoofing
* NEW: Double-clicking task details enters Edit Mode

* FIXED: No more popup windows!
* FIXED: Sort columns by Task Type
* FIXED: Registration without confirmation code
* FIXED: Minor bugs in notifications
* FIXED: Minor CSS layout bugs

===== 0.9.4 - 20 August 2003 =====

* NEW: Each task can now have unlimited related tasks,
* NEW: Notifications Tab for each task so that users can be notified when a certain task has changed,
* NEW: Categories can now have 'owners' who get notified when a new task is opened in that category,
* NEW: Options screen has default category owner for un-owned categories,
* NEW: Option to send a confirmation code for new user registrations - to prevent script kiddies signing up multiple accounts for spamming the system,
* NEW: Page numbering for task list,
* NEW: Option to only allow registered users to view anything,
* NEW: Internationalisation support. English, French, German and Dutch translations are included,
* NEW: Alternate stylesheet support for Mozilla users, showing all installed themes,
* NEW: Comments can now be edited and deleted by members of an Admin group,
* NEW: Severities has been moved out of the database into a translatable text file. All user-added severities will be converted to Critical severity by the upgrade script.
* NEW: List names are now editable in the admin areas.

* FIXED: Users & Groups admin page, which was rendering poorly in MSIE,
* FIXED: HTML output now validates as HTML 4.01 Transitional,
* FIXED: Scripts now check for empty summary and details prior to adding a task,
* FIXED: Some form buttons wouldn't submit when the browser had javascript turned off,
* FIXED: "Add another task after this one" didn't work.

* IMPROVED: Permissions on file uploads are now set non-executable,
* IMPROVED: Default theme stylesheet is much prettier,
* IMPROVED: Small layout fixes

===== - 28 July 2003 =====

* FIXED: A critical bug with setting/showing task status,
* FIXED: Sorting on column headers to include Task Type search results.

===== 0.9.3 - 25 July 2003 =====

Core features implemented, first public release.